Thursday 28 October 2010

WB in a brand new field

It’s been a long time since I posted or have done something on the blog.
Between the improvements I wanted to add to the blog but never finished and a report from nationals that I never started, it got put on hold.
Anyway, the improvements will somehow find a way to get in but the report from nationals would be pretty much useless now.
Well, it was like I took a vacation from my blog.
Since my last post two editions were released, M11 and Scars of Mirrodin, and there was a rotation when Scars got released, which brought big changes to the metagame and a bunch of new decks. While this is a big step down for netdeckers it’s a new playground for people who like to explore the tools they have been given.
So I have to pet decks in hand at the moment a UW Titan Control supporting Trinket Mage, a card that I have been playing for a long time, and a BW deck which I ended calling it Dark Vat.
This time I will be talking about the BW list, and here it is:
Creatures 16
4 Wall of Omens
3 Liliana's Specter
3 Vampire Hexmage
2 Wurmcoil Engine
2 Sun Titan
2 Grave Titan

Spells 19
3 Mimic Vat
4 Sign in Blood
3 Day of Judgement
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Journey to Nowhere
2 Doom Blade
2 Consuming Vapors

Lands 24
4 Marsh Flats
3 Tectonic Edge
9 Swamp
8 Plains

This was my first list which I compiled with the help of some list and comments from a couple of forums. While it looks quite good on paper it isn’t, for a control list it went out of gas pretty fast unless you got a mimic vat on play my first thought was of course to get the 4th mimic vat on the list but it wouldn’t solve all the problems I didn’t like on the list. Sign in Blood proved to not be a good enough draw/card advantage system to get a spot in the deck, consuming vapors proved to be slow and useless most of the time and besides that the list packs a lot of BB costs for the first turns, which proved to be very prolematic for a combination of colors that doesn’t have any kind of dual.
So the biggest problem was to substitute Sign in Blood, Survival cache passed my mind but it would draw the same amount of cards as Sign in Blood while sometimes being worst, Grim discovery was a option but once again it would at the best of times give 2 cards while being useless if you didn’t draw a fetch in the early game or you have a creature on the sideboard it could get in as a 1 or 2 of but never as a 4 of. While I was playing with this list I started making some changes, first of was the substitution of Sign in Blood for Dark tutelage which I have seen playing on another deck and decided to give it a try, this proved to be excellent and gave the deck a reach it hadn’t before but with this  came a toll on our life that had to be solved by something that came in the form of Lonely Missionary, it’s a 2/1 for a cost of 1W that gives you 4 life, this is a nightmare against any agro deck and it still makes  control players frown while letting you easily get away with a Dark tutelage on the table, out came the hexmages that weren’t so great on the main list and a wurmcoil because it would be one less 6 cost creature on the board and because it did need to attack to get life from it. The last change was the two Consuming vapors for 2 Condemn, Condemn because there’s still a lot of Vengevines lurking around and because Doomblade can’t hit black creatures, while it’s true it won’t fuel Mimic vat it has been proved pretty irrelevant until now.
So now the list would look like this:
Creatures 16
4 Wall of Omens
3 Liliana's Specter
4 Lone Missionary
1 Baneslayer
2 Sun Titan
2 Grave Titan

Spells 19
3 Mimic Vat
4 Dark Tutelage
3 Day of Judgement
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Journey to Nowhere
2 Doom Blade
2 Condemn

Lands 24
4 Marsh Flats
3 Tectonic Edge
9 Swamp
8 Plains

Has you may see I exchanged the Wurmcoil for a Baneslayer but this change is pretty debatable and the only reason that I did it it’s because my friend, who is playing the list has a Baneslayer but doesn’t have Wurmcoil. Recently I have taken the Baneslayer from my list and added a Sun Titan since it gets back most of your deck and most importantly your engines (Mimic Vat and Dark Tutelage), the fact that you lose some life gain should not be relevant since Sun Titan can bring back Lone Missionary.
So on another note what this deck tries to accomplish is to get a Mimic Vat on play and use creatures like Liliana’s Specter and the titans to gain board position and card advantage so you can overwhelm your opponent, against agro a wall or a Lone Missionary on a Mimic Vat is pretty useful  . The reason you only want 3 is because the deck doesn’t necessarily needs it to run and because you will run it to multiples easily if you land a Dark Tutelage, also you can recur it with Sun Titan and finally because you won’t need 2 in play to win.

The sideboard is still a work in progress

While I have been playing my UW list I’m thinking of sleeving this up because it has proven to be good and quite fun to run.

Well until the next time, Anglachel.

Ps:. I don't own the images, you can find the original site by right clicking and copy image location. If by any mean you can't just ask me for it.

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