Tuesday, 8 November 2011

My Worlds state of Mind.

This is the email I have sent to Mark Rosewater

Greetings, Mark.

I have being playing magic for around 5 years. In this five years most of my friends that played when I started dropped it entirely, or just play occasionally.

Our local store closed, and the few resistant’s, me and another friend, made trips in a 2 week basis to the next closest store, which meant to do an 1 hour travel.

Then one of my friends started to do tournaments on various coffee places and we started playing weekly again, people returned.

Some time went by like this, eventually someone had to take his place and finally we got a local store again.

Since my friend picked the tournaments organization, I have helped the best I can and I still do with my local store. I have been criticized by players and friends; I even lost some other friends because of it, either by meaningless discussion or stupidity from both sides.

In the past years there was only a major change I still dislike, Mythic Rarity. While it’s true that they made possible for cheap playable rare they also introduced us to 50€ staple, if we are lucky that they don’t go higher.

I still prefer the old format where all decks had basically the same price. Nowadays we have very cheap decks or a deck with 4 to 12 cards that are worth 50€ each, in the best cases.

But, in all this time I never thought of dropping Magic: The Gathering, not even when my 500€ deck got stolen. That is, until now.

I will talk mostly about Portugal and my situation, since about everything else someone already made statements or can do better than me.
We lost PT spot’s, I’m not sure how many, but the biggest loss is the qualification for World’s.
I play magic for fun, but while I play it for fun it’s also true that I play it mostly because of Nationals and the dream of getting on the national team to attend Worlds. When that is removed from my horizons I don’t have any reason to buy cards.

To play with my friends, I can easily make a bunch of proxy’s and simply make the deck I like instead of investing money on it with barely any return to happen.
Because, no one from Portugal is going to get an invite from ranking with the new ranking system. Actually it’s very hard for someone that is not living in the USA to do so.

I was actually happy with the new ranking system. At least at a local level, it meant people wouldn’t sit on ranking to get into nationals they would start playing, if not weekly from time to time, instead of showing up weeks before nationals for testing.

With the last changes everything that was good about the new ranking system became irrelevant. No invites for worlds means most people won’t care about it. It doesn’t matter how big the prize is, since it will never be that big that is actually worth it. I would haply refuse a prize of 3000€ for an invite to worlds and the free trip along with it.

Then after all this you relocate all responsibility of tournaments to local authorities.

Sorry to say that this only gives me grief.

I have been playing since Betrayer’s of Kamigawa and I never saw our distributor doing anything else besides the very much minimum necessary.

For a game that as mostly survived due to players, to keep growing and advertised, the game will die, at least the game outside of the kitchen table.

Lisbon might be able to maintain an active community, but on the north it will die. Actually it’s already dying, but that’s understandable when the stores of the distributor have different entree fees for their 2 stores, a Prerelease in Porto is 26€ in Lisbon 22€, and when they block the entrance to players that have made a formal complain about their stores conditions, it becomes ridiculous.

So to end this, no I’m not happy with only hopping to be the National Champion. My dream was based on getting on the national team and do something noticeable at worlds, not by being recognized by our Magic community. Most of them have met me at least once anyway.

With that gone and so few PT’S and the only place to get extra GP’S being the USA I’m dropping from M:TG.

At best I won’t buy any cards and become a casual player, with proxies.

But not everything is bad, I will have finally more time for my other hobbies.

Sincerely, Rui Gomes.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Modern - Snapcaster Gifts

Well I have a Modern tournament this Saturday and decided that would be making a gift list to try, which ended being something like this.

Lands 26
4  Marsh Flats
1  Scalding Tarn
3  Hallowed Fountain
2 Watery Grave
1 Godless Shrine
1  Mystic Gate
1 Sunken Ruins
3 Island
2 Plains
2 Swamp
1 Snow-Covered Island
1 Tectonic Edge
1 Ghost Quarter
1 Academy Ruins
1 Celestial Collonade
1 Creeping Tar Pit

Creatures 7
3 Snapcaster Mage 
1  Phantasmal Image
2 Sun Titan
1 Wurmcoil

Draw  7
3  Gifts Ungiven
4 Forbidden Alchemy

Utility 3
2 Unburial Rites
1 Crucible of Worlds

Counters 8
4  Mana Leak
2  Cryptic Command
2  Spell Snare

Removal 9
3 Path to Exile
1 Dismenber
1 Go for the Throat
1 Doomblade
1 Damnation
1 Wrath of God
1 Day of Judgment

While I was looking for packages for gifts I got a peak at the sun titan package. With some playtesting in standard with Solar Flare I already know how good Unburial Rites into Sun titan is, running it also makes Forbidden Alchemy extremely good, and since you already run ways to drop spells into the graveyard Snapcaster Mage gets insanely good. Regarding the Wurmcoil, at first it was Grave Titan because it left something behind if he got it by Path into Exile but the fact that wurmcoil can be recurred by Academy Ruins.
The question is if the deck is able to keep up with the speed of Modern, I sure think and hope it does or I will be in trouble this weekend :) .

Saturday, 8 October 2011

A new post omg :D and with a bug list o_O

Well lately , or rather for a long time, I didn't and I don't fell like writing for this blog.
Miranda, mostly gave up and with the starcitygames tournaments there's so little space to improve decks in standard that I had no reason to post anything. I have never been a fan of legacy and I don't even have much time or people to test.
So, and to have something going on this blog, I will post the lists I'm currently playing or testing.
So here his a BUG I'm having fun with in standard:

Ramp (12)
4 Rampant Growth
4 Viridian Emissary
4 Solem Simulacrum
Big guys (12)
4 Consecrated Sphinx
4 Wurmcoil
4 Grave Titan
Utility (10)
4 Ponder
4 Black Sun Zenith
2 Unburial Rites
Lands (26)
4 UG land
4 GB land
4 UB Land
6 Forest
5 Swamp
2 Island
1 Plains
 It's a pretty standard list that tries to ramp into 4th or 5th turn fatties.
It could run heartless summoning as a ramp tool but I ditched it since it made all my fatties vulnerable to dismember.
In my very limited testing it has been running well, and better than I expected against mono red thanks to wurmcoil and grave titan.

Monday, 14 February 2011

The Walker Madness

Standard nowadays is boring; I even consider it more boring than when faeries were around. 

Jace TMS turned to be the new Tarmogoyf, if someone’s plays blue they have to play Jace TMS, but there aren´t that many answers to planeswalkers as there are to creatures, since Shards of Alara rotated with M10 we went from Oblivion Ring, Pithing Needle, Maelstrom Pulse and Vampire Hexmage as answers to Walkers to only Vampire Hexmage, they gave us a creature with a pithing needle effect on Scars of Mirrodin but creatures are so easy to get rid of that I can’t even consider it an answer to walkers.